I am Johannes Jongsma.
Born in Nij Beets (Friesland) on a farm in 1969.
We lived on a farm in a nature reserve where I spent a lot of time enjoying the beautiful nature and spotting birds.
The marsh harrier was frequently seen in that area and I am a great fan of the (predatory) birds.
I also started photography at a young age. At that time it was still a roll of film where you could take 36 photos and then have to wait days to see the result. Now everything is digital and you immediately see the result.
In 1993 I moved to Nijmegen and in 2020 I started the Best Photo, which is organized by FotoWandeling Nijmegen.
The various assignments where you have 3 weeks to submit a photo take you out of your comfort zone and put a lot of energy into taking a beautiful photo. As a result, the photos have improved enormously over the years.
My expertise is mainly in :
* Night photografie
* Sun set/rise photografie
* Landscape photografie
* Bird photografie
I can regularly be found in nature walking with the dogs, exercising and taking beautiful pictures
I post the photos on:
* Facebook
* Instagram
* Werk aan de muur
Wat een gave foto’s. Erg mooi Johannes!!
Prachtige foto’s
Prachtige foto’s Johannes!
Mooi hoor!
Wow, wat een mooie foto’s!!!
Schitterende foto’s Johannes, ga zo door!!
Hoi Johannes,
Na onze korte ontmoeting bij de Zeelandbrug heb ik je site bezocht.
Prachtig fotowerk!
Groet van Ton
Dank je wel Ton,
Ook jou foto’s, boeken, website ziet er fantastisch uit.